5s Programme

5s Programme

Speed, Stamina, Strength, Skill and Suppleness.

How to use this programme:

This programme will help to develop key fundamental motor skills that allow children to improve their functional movement, through a range of activities designed to stimulate both gross and fine muscle movements. This programme can be used at all ages to develop, challenge or observe physical literacy. For those on the talent pathway in a specific sport, it will help ensure development/maintenance of physical literacy and/or rehabilitation from injury.

The main activities are intended to be delivered weekly (over six weeks) with emphasis on correcting technique and movement patterns. Within each main activity there are challenges to extend the learning.

Once the main activity is delivered you can pick two activities from the challenge pages. These are labelled alphabetically and all of them should be covered by the end of the six week module.

All activities can be carried out in pairs or small groups, helping to encourage teamwork and enforce the correct movement standards in a fun and friendly setting.

We recommend that all sessions start with a warm up. This can include some stretching activities and a pulse-raising activity to help activate the key muscle groups for the sessions activities. Sessions should also end with a cool down to lower the heart rate and stretch out.

How to structure your session:

Warm up: 5-10 minutes

Main activity: 15 minutes

Challenges: 10-15 minutes

Cool down: 5-10 minutes

£10 per booklet. Email chancecampbookings@gmail.com to purchase.

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